
How to get more traffic to your blog, some proven ways

Creating a new blog is really a matter of great excitement for all new blogger. It is really interesting to choose the best domain name for the blog. After that we all have to search for good hosting plan. Rather most interesting point is to choose the theme. Some go for free theme and if someone can afford they go for premium themes. Then, checking out your blog online for the first time is the most interesting part. However, when you upload your first blog post, the only people who are probably going to see it will be your family and your friends. So how do you get more traffic to your blog to show your hard work?

Here I discuss some proven ways to get more traffic from Search Engines.

Write Great quality contents to get more traffic to your blog:

Main way to get more traffic to your blog and to impress your family so that they promote your blog is to write great content. Most people search the internet for comprehensive answers to the questions on their mind, and the content on your blog should be able to address that need. Therefore if you are a creative writer, do not hold back your imagination and passion for blogging. You should start writing touching stories that will leave your readers longing for your next blog post. Once a reader comes to your blog try to captivate that reader and make that reader regular visitors of your blog.

Make your blog SEO ready as well as the contents:

If you want to be a successful blogger and want more traffic to your blog, then you must know the basics of SEO. To know more about the basics of SEO you read my post by clicking here. By SEO I mean both On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. The main thing that you should focus on is On-page SEO properly. Try writing contents that are SEO friendly. Make use of shorter sentences. Sentences should be connected and compact and meaningful. A great idea is to use the right title format: lists, ‘How to…’, ‘Step by step guides’ and questions are the best types of headlines for blog posts. These types of titles attract more visitors.

Try to Publish Contents Regularly:

This is the field where many new bloggers made mistakes. Always try to be regular. Do not disappoint your readers. Put your best efforts to create great quality unique contents almost every day or at least 4-5 contents every week. It will keep your blog up to date and your readers will get something to read and they will come back to your blog again and again.  Your contents should be in a discussing manner so that your readers get connected to your blog post. Try to leave a question so that your readers can comment on it. It is much like an open ending post.

Do share on Social Medias to get more traffic to your Blog:

Once you write your post and publish your post you should share your post in the social Medias. Social Media platforms will help you get more traffic to your blog. If you are using Word-press then use social share plugins to share your posts. Try to reach as many people as you can for your blog posts. Social media is the answer to everything nowadays; especially if you are a creative writer, you need to engage with your followers.

Comment on other’s Blog on the same topic:

You should be a good reader and read other’s posts as well. You can comment there and if you can find any issues with their blog posts write about it in the comments. It will make an engagement between you and other bloggers. You will also get mere traffic to your blog. It is really a healthy habit.

Here are some other points you should look after to get more traffic to your blog:

  • Always don’t write lengthy posts.
  • Your posts should be like a resource to others.
  • Organize your posts in headings, sub- headings and lists.
  • In your post try to link other people which are helpful to get more information.
  • Ask questions in your posts to attract the readers.
  • Your posts should be engaging not boarding.
  • You can request others to link back to your post.
  • Your headlines should be very attractive.
  • Sometimes write posts like a story telling.
  • Write your post in second person technique (USE ‘’YOU’’ not ‘’ME’’)


Read above posts carefully and I’m sure that you can a clear idea on how to get more traffic to your blog.  It is really a matter of though for new bloggers. I’ve researched a lot to get more information about this topic. Therefore I write this post to inform you all so that you can get more traffic to your blog.

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